How to Install Mozilla Firefox 8.0.1 on Ubuntu

After Firefox 8.0, Mozilla ran for cover to release a small update to its browser to fix a problem with the mismanagement dell’addon Roboform. Firefox 8.0.1 , then, is nothing more than a minor-release of Mozilla’s red panda we can install on Ubuntu by following one of ourtwo following procedures.

Firefox for Ubuntu How to Install Mozilla Firefox 8.0.1 on Ubuntu
Procedure Manual
If you have Ubuntu i686 (32 bit)

cd ~ / Desktop

If you have Ubuntu amd64 (64 bit)

cd ~ / Desktop

Now you have downloaded Firefox 8.0 on your desktop. We just have to unzip the file, move it to opt and create the symbolic link in the bin. Translated into commands the same as typing:

firefox-8.0.1.tar.bz2 tar xvjf
sudo mv firefox / opt / firefox
sudo mv / usr / bin / firefox / usr / bin / firefox-old
sudo ln-s / opt / firefox / firefox / usr / bin / firefox
sudo rm firefox-8.0.1.tar.bz2
killall firefox

And you can enjoy Firefox 8.0.1 in Italian! If you want to go back and restore everything, open a terminal and type:

sudo mv / usr / bin / firefox-old / usr / bin / firefox
sudo rm-r / opt / firefox

Procedure using PPA
WARNING: When I write, the PPAs are not yet up to date!

Open the terminal and type:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And you will be updated and installed Firefox 8.0.1!

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